Launch of our Evaluation Report of Tailored Programmes of Family Support and The Children’s Contact (access) Service
The Board of Directors, management and staff team agreed in late 2020 to commission an independent external researcher to evaluate the core services of Tailored Programs of Family Support and the Children’s Access Support Service. The questions were simple; ‘are the services contributing positively to the lives of children and what can be done to improve them’?
Ms Davina Brady was awarded the tender to complete this external review and worked with an in-house Steering Group comprising of Team Manager Sé Fulham, Helena Feeney and Alacoque Clarke, both Family Support workers. This evaluation was undertaken from Sept. 2021 to Feb 2022. As part of the review there were 84 individual inputs from children, parents, foster carers and professionals who avail of or work with the services provided by Meath Springboard Family Support Services CLG.
On 13th June 2022 we officially launched the report and would like to thank all who came to support us on the day.